Essay Examples on University College Plymouth St Mark and St John

The purpose of the nervous system is to send and receive Signals

The purpose of the nervous system is to send and receive signals throughout the body The two divisions of the nervous system include the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system This division consists of the brain and spinal cord and its purpose is as a control system because it controls many of the functions that make up the body which are vital for life The brain is like the nucleus in a cell because it is the command center of the body The spinal cord is used to transmit peripheral messages so both central nervous system and peripheral nervous system coexist and function together The second division of the nervous system is the peripheral nervous system in which nerves extend from the brain and spinal cord and it controls the messages to and from the brain This division can be segmented into further components which are the sensory and motor divisions The sensory division consists of somatic fibers which can convey impulses from the skin skeleton and joints while visceral sensory fivers can transmit impulses from visceral organs The motor division consists of the somatic nervous system which conducts impulses from the central nervous system to skeletal muscles and the autonomic nervous system which regulates smooth and cardiac muscle activity 

2 pages | 424 words