Essay Examples on Vanguard Collegiate High School

Vector administration The extension of the bleb of subretinal Vector

Results Vector administration The extension of the bleb of subretinal vector included the fovea in all eyes except in participants 9 and 11 The absorption of subretinal vectors as indicated by findings on OCT took 24 to 48 hours Lacrimal fluid for vector DNA sequences was weakly positive at 1 day after surgery However it was not in participant 7 and 10 who were given the higher dose and in participant 4 who was given the lower dose of vector There was no detection of the vector DNA in the participant s saliva peripheral blood or semen which was analyzed in one participant Adverse events We observed ocular adverse events that included a transient or mild intraocular inflammation in three participants administered the higher dose A decline in visual acuity and macular thinning were evident after the administration of subfoveal vector We also observed systemic adverse events that are associated with the oral glucocorticoids Retinal sensitivity and vision guided ambulatory navigation The retinal sensitivity in the study eyes of six participants on the dark adapted perimetry 3 5 6 8 10 and 12 had improvements and five of the participants on microperimetry 3 5 6 8 and 12 After extended dark adaptation maximal improvement of rod function was evident for the first four months after vector administration on dark adapted perimetry

2 pages | 404 words