Essay Examples on Western Colorado University


TITLE OF PROJECT POLLUTION MONITORING SYSTEM IN AUTOMOBILE EXHAUST USING IOT Project Abstract Our environment is at a very high risk and the nature is getting trapped by the factor Pollution The main reason is the people with without knowledge they pollute air and walk by Its our own responsibility to bother about this situation and do something for the betterment This hectic situation cannot be made upside down rather can take step for the beneficiary act The emission rate in the environment also raise the destruction rate of mankind The health effects occurring due to the factors such as PM NO2 CO2 CO is considered to leave a serious issue in our biological system Thereby these pollutants can also lead to death chronic disorder allergy etc Metropolitan cities are the key feature and ranks high in destroying the nature and pollute air Among those the vehicular emission always proceed to remain a unsolved problem for every common people in daily life The concept of Global warming also popped up only when the emission rate of AIR POLLUTION exceeded the standard rate of PCB Pollution Control Board The improper maintenance of vehicle must be taken care periodically and make this happen and control the emission rate is our main objective 

2 pages | 420 words