Morphology of the tissue 25 300 At low magnification the sample appears to be lung tissue due to the presence of air sacs This is confirmed at a higher magnification as there are visible alveolar sacs however these appear to be atypical In the absence of disease alveoli are surrounded by a layer of squamous epithelial cells However in this sample there appears to be hyperplasia of the alveoli epithelium This abnormal epithelial cell growth is a clear sign of disease A vast vascular system is identifiable by many circular clear spaces filled with erythrocytes Smooth muscle cells are the prominent cell type visible in the lung structure There are signs of fibrosis demonstrated by the thicker areas of pale pink stained tissue seen This fibrosis is widespread across the sample suggesting extensive tissue damage The fibrosis has caused a honeycomb appearance Infiltration of lymphocytes neutrophils and macrophages are seen near areas of fibrosis suggesting ongoing chronic inflammation with signs of both long term and short term inflammation visible Across the sample the alveolar macrophages can be seen engulfing the brown fibres Brown and black fibres are visible in the H E stain suggesting inhalation of a foreign substance