383One of the most common process is Borrowing and it means to borrow or to take words from other languages and sometimes it involves some change to make it suitable and appropriate Example Source language Original word English language Latin Plus more Plus Old Norse Vanta Want Arabic Safar journey ﺳﻔﺮ Safari French Jewel Jewel Arabic Cotton ﻗﻄﻦ Cotton Arabic Mummy ﻣﻮﻣﻴﺎء Mummy Germany Eisberg Iceberg Italian Carpita Carpet Norwegian Klover skillful Clever Arabic Algebra اﻟﺠﺒﺮ Algebra Acronyms Acronyms is the process whereby a new word is formed from the initial letters of the constituent words of a phrase or sentence Example USA United States of America NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration AC Air Conditioning There are two types of acronyms 1 Pronounced as word UNICEF United Nation International Children's Emergency
As we know all of them are inventions name of a company products or brands So coinage is the process when new words are created either deliberately or accidentally to fit some purpose Usually words are coined to express new ideas processes products Clipping Is the abbreviation of longer words into shorter ones such as Telephone Phone Examination Exam Doctor Doc Airplane Plane Back formation It is a very special type of reduction a word from any category reduced to form a new word Example Editor N Edit V Television N Televise V Enthusiasm N Enthuse V Conversion It means words used as part of another word class without any addition of affixes 1 Noun to Verb conversion access N to access V Google N to Google V E mail N to e mail V 2 Verb to Noun conversion To call V call N To work V work N To cover V cover N To judge V judge N 3 Other conversion green Adj to green V Conclusion Finally Word formation means the different process that we can by using them create unlimited words every day it's part of our humanity the creativity and the ability to express with unlimited number of words as long as we need them What is more words is our way to communicate with others by spoken or written language and People will keep create words to express their feeling and thinking and to manage expressing ourselves always according to what our time and century can take