In comparison with other writing contests our goal is to help you become successful and nowadays proper education is a key component. We hope that our aid in the amount of $3500 will help the winner in his education in full or partially. Plus, you will have a good chance to test your writing skills and maybe pump them up by participating in this contest.
So here is the deal. As well as in any other essay contests be creative, inspiring, detailed, vivid, interesting and engaging when writing your scholarship essay as you about to stand out before thousands of others, that will be submitted to Noplag. We want you to WIN! So you better give it a very nice try!
Write the essay as per the Essay Requirements.
Submit your essay at before February 15th, 2020
Lets see if your essay will be the best of the week.
Wait for the contest results, which will be announced on March 15th, 2020
High school/college/university student
You should be at least 16 years old
Students Life; Education Process; Famous Educators; Understanding and Preventing Plagiarism; Plagiarism Issues; Modern Plagiarism; Education without Teachers;Teacher Thoughts; Educational Technology; Mobile Learning; E-Learning Technology; Learning and Technology; Speed Writing; Education in America; Plagiarism Intelligence; Internet Blogging; Best Experts of Education; Digital Writing; Digital Teaching; Ideas and Thoughts from EdTech; Home Studying; Walk through Writing Process; American Teachers; Tech & Learning; Getting Smarter; A Teacher’s LifeStudy; Styding Hacks; Education for Free; Education without Teachers; Learning to Write Letters in Different Languages; Applications for Virtual Universities; Money in Education; The Future of Literary Education; Online Education Through Websites; Students' Life; Student Learning from Writers and Poets; International Virtual High School. Distant Learning, Learning and Teaching Problems and Difficulties; Ways to Enhance Education Process, Libraries and Their Role in Education, Modern Tools Useful for Studying, Teaching Methods, Education Approaches, Ways to Improve Memory, Time Management Approaches used in Education.
By March 15th, 2020 Noplag Education department will choose
and announce three winners:
If your essay isn’t chosen as the best of the week, it doesn’t mean we will not consider it for the winning places.
Never give up and good luck!