Essay Examples on Economics

Bitcoins and Other Cryptocurrency Regulations

Bitcoins and Other Cryptocurrency tumbled on Dec 28th, 2017 as South Korea and Australia and the UK are freezing Bank Accounts. Cryptocurrency Speculation has been heated up and there is an immediate need to regulate the cryptocurrency trading. Bitcoin the world s biggest and the best-known cryptocurrency has fallen about 28 from its highest record. Bank Accounts Vs Bitcoin. Traders The Bitcoin attraction towards the investors has been increasing from day to day due to the increase in the growth of the Bitcoins and other Altcoins. The growth is tremendous which is more than 200 within the last 6 months. The catch is when you buy those virtual currencies which is decentralized the banks are considering the transaction towards the Bitcoin and other Altcoin as anonymous. When you buy those virtual currencies through the debit card or through the direct bank account the transaction is marked as anonymous. As a result of it the bank does not allow any such transactions it immediately freezes their account without any notification. The history of the banks freezing the accounts due to the purchase of the Bitcoins has been happening from 2015 onwards. The UK's reputed Barclay Bank has shut down a student's account after his dealing with the Bitcoin the digital currency.

2 pages | 410 words

Some rates of taxes in Texas are higher than other states

Some rates of taxes in Texas are higher than in other states. For example, Texas is known as one of high property tax rates in the United States. Each of the country's 84 million single-family homeowners paid an average of 3.296 in property taxes which amounts to an average 1.15 effective tax rate Brinkley Badgett 2017. In contrast, Brinkley Badgett 2017 mentions that in Texas the effective tax rate is 2.06 which is the second-highest among the fifty states in America. Property tax is related to almost everyone when they buy their own house so that means that people in Texas pay more money for a house than those in other states. Since Texas does not have a state income tax the government relies on the property tax in order to fund services such as school. However, the funding for the school is not enough for all schools in Texas. In fact, in some school, they cannot receive enough services such as school lunch. Moreover, not only the rates of property tax are high but also sale tax. Texas collected 1.226 in sales taxes per capita in fiscal 2015 the sixth highest sales tax collection of all states Stebbins 2017. This suggests that Texas might not be a tax-friendly state. However, according to Bernardo R Writer S 2017 the overall tax burden in Texas is 7.99 which ranked 34th among the fifty states, In addition, Texas ranked No 4 the list of best states to make a living with an average income of 35.480 and a 5 percent unemployment rate Gould 2017.

2 pages | 494 words

Disadvantages of piece rate remuneration systems

Disadvantages of piece-rate remuneration systems. Less attention to quality. The workers would focus more on trying to produce more quantity of products in the attempt of trying to make more money and producing the product the fastest way possible, rather than focus on the quality and result in the production of blew average quality products because payment for the worker is made on the basis of output. Wastage use of materials. Since employees work to produce faster without putting effort into the efficiency to increase production, an excessive wastage of materials is to be expected due to their efforts to obtain maximum output. Wages. Because of the relationship between the quantity of output and wages the employee will face a decrease in pay if he did not meet the number of units that required. Also having minimum wage could lead to some employees coming to work and giving no effort and getting paid. Some workers would focus their time to produce the best quality product that they can rather than produce more and they suffer because will not be composited for good quality that is produced.

1 pages | 372 words

Bitcoin and the Problem with Existing Currencies

Bitcoin and the Problem with Existing Currencies. The greatest hindrance to the adoption of Bitcoin is the issue with the widespread use of national currencies in the contemporary economy, For all intents and purposes, everybody on the planet is utilizing cash or electronic forms of it. Consequently, the choice to utilize Bitcoin is the choice to quit using cash. The issue is that there are significant transaction costs and switching costs associated with Bitcoin. Switching costs allude to any cost required to progress from national currencies to Bitcoin. These incorporate the need to retool distributing and programmed teller machines to refresh menus and exchange records and even to figure out how to think and ascertain record keeping. On the off chance that Bitcoin is to have any expectation of replacing a national currency the benefits of using Bitcoin must be adequately better to warrant the cost of switching over. The adoption of Bitcoin is also limited by upon the aggregate number of those utilizing it. For example, the US dollar is valuable because it acts as a widely accepted medium of trade. A medium of trade is valuable just to the degree that one's exchanging partner will acknowledge it.

1 pages | 398 words

The financial statements for Community Hospital

The financial statements for Community Hospital delineate the organization's standings for the 2012 and 2013 fiscal years. The organization's current assets listed as 188 million 2013 and 176 million 2012 this representation shows the organization had more liquidity in 2013 than the previous year. Assets Cash and money on deposit are always the first line item on a financial statement as it the primary source to pay debts Finkler 2013. The hospital experienced increases in cash marketable securities inventory and prepaid expenses. However, in account receivables, the hospital decreased in net dollars reporting 44 million 2013 from 60 million in 2012. Bad accounts patients not paying their bills contractual allowance and uncollected copayments could account for part of the 16 million dollars decrease in account receivables Finkler 2013. Fixed assets are categorized as buildings and equipment minus depreciation, plus land, therefore the hospital showed a net increase reporting 320 million 2013, from 280 million 2012. Including intangible assets, the hospital reported 598 million 2013, from 556 million 2012 in total assets. In respect to liabilities and net assets. Community Hospital's total current liabilities increased to 94 million in 2013, from 78 million in 2012.

1 pages | 336 words
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