Essay Example on Bitcoin and the Problem with Existing Currencies










Bitcoin and the Problem with Existing Currencies. The greatest hindrance to the adoption of Bitcoin is the issue with the widespread use of national currencies in the contemporary economy, For all intents and purposes, everybody on the planet is utilizing cash or electronic forms of it. Consequently, the choice to utilize Bitcoin is the choice to quit using cash. The issue is that there are significant transaction costs and switching costs associated with Bitcoin. Switching costs allude to any cost required to progress from national currencies to Bitcoin. These incorporate the need to retool distributing and programmed teller machines to refresh menus and exchange records and even to figure out how to think and ascertain record keeping. On the off chance that Bitcoin is to have any expectation of replacing a national currency the benefits of using Bitcoin must be adequately better to warrant the cost of switching over. The adoption of Bitcoin is also limited by upon the aggregate number of those utilizing it. For example, the US dollar is valuable because it acts as a widely accepted medium of trade. A medium of trade is valuable just to the degree that one's exchanging partner will acknowledge it.

Besides, when one is picking between different currencies or would be currencies its reliability depends on its history. What follows is that trading partners will coordinate to make a system of exchange that utilizes this currency work. Hence regardless of whether Bitcoin warrants the expenses of exchanging it should likewise be adequately superior to anything an incumbent currency can offer in order to warrant the expenses of coordination. The problem with existing currencies is exacerbated by the fact that virtually all national currencies are government-sponsored. These currencies typically benefit from some form of legal tender status and public adoption. It is thus going to be an arduous path for Bitcoin to receive greater adoption. Government sanctioned currencies additionally allow national banking authorities to conduct fiscal and monetary policy produce seigniorage income and control monetary transactions via regulatory oversight. To the degree that Bitcoin contradicts the role of banking authorities to a great extent i.e leading currency-related arrangements raising capital preventing illicit exchanges or extortion etc. it may be liable to administrative regulation and discourage trading partners from receiving Bitcoin as compensation.

 Surely some governments such as that of China officially found a way to boycott or control Bitcoin via intense supervision of the internet the ability of Bitcoin in providing alternate governance leaves a sufficient degree of ambiguity. The usage of Bitcoin will neither be legally sanctioned nor banned for years to come. Just as the Prohibition era Bitcoin may see its light some years ahead or be completely abandoned as a result of legal sanctions. Regulatory institutions thus have a significant influence in raising or lowering the transaction cost of Bitcoin adoption. As much as Bitcoin is promoted by technology evangelists to be the next stage in human governance and economic exchange we should not ignore the pragmatic limitations an economy's regulatory institutions, political environment and judiciary system all have a part to play.

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