Young’s modulus hardness, as well as the critical current density and critical magnetic field, are crucial for industrial applications of high-temperature superconductors.
6 Ultrasonic methods are the convenient and most powerful methods to investigate the mechanical properties of solids. 7 14 In the case of the high Tc superconductors many ultrasonic measurements have been made and studied by several authors. 15 19 Researchers have studied the mechanical properties of YBCO and YBCO added Zn at low and room temperatures. 6 They detected that the elastic recovery ratio of the one wt ZnO added the YBCO sample which was higher than that of YBCO at both low and room temperature. Other papers such as that by Takanohashi 20 pointed to study the ultrasonic propagation in the sintered YBa2Cu3O7 x superconductors in order to investigate the elastic anomalies caused by the various lattice instability mechanism.