119716The theoretical approaches are often used to explain human behavior and serve as starting points for practice models and treatments or solving a problem for their clients at the macro level practices Hutchison 2015. Low-income populations are often voiceless powerless abused manipulated and under-appreciated Hearn and Parkins 1993 viewed organizations as multiple oppressions of the social construct to exclude discrimination against some categories of people. Various researchers believed oppression happens through a variety of processes including marginalization, domination, subordination, degradation, ignoring, harassment, invisibilizing, silencing, punishment, discipline and violence Hutchison 2015.
As observed in the video oppressed groups can include women younger and older people persons with disabilities, lower economic class, persons of color and sexual minorities. The commitments to social justice involve the use of a professional code of ethics, guidelines to perspectives of the dynamics of privilege or unearned advantages as well as discrimination and oppression of minorities in communities. Empowerment theories focus on processes that individuals and collectivities can be used to recognize patterns of inequality and injustice and take action to increase their own power. Decisions can be made to change and improve the circumstances of the people in any given community. Creative activities and events that bring the community together can be initiated.