Essay Examples on Media Content

Citizen Journalism can be traced back to the later part of the twentieth century

Citizen Journalism can be traced back to the later part of the twentieth century. This new form of journalism refers to collections of terms as a citizen activist and public journalism and all these terms point at journalism having another agenda, other than news production as a commodity to be sold. According to research and study citizen journalism began in the USA in the last decade of the twentieth century because of the strides made in corporate news media and the lack of trust in journalists at the time Jay R 2003. In many countries, the industrial news media is faced with corporatization and commercialization which remains an issue the same as the control of media by political interests. Abiodun et al 2011 p 11 shared more light on the discussion about citizen journalism where he said: Citizen journalism is journalism of the people by the people and for the people. It is the kind of journalism that demystifies the practice of journalism and makes it an all-comers affair. It is that kind of journalism that tends to make everybody the Source and the Receiver, the Encoder and the Decoder at the same time. It is that kind of journalism practice that purports to include everybody Abiodun 2011 p 11 Citizen journalism.
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