Essay Examples on Admission Essay

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Application Essay

To whom it may concern. I am writing to apply for the MSW program at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. My interest in social work spans as far back as I can remember. As a child, I would always be that student that enjoyed helping others in life. I have always wanted to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves. I would see students struggling with personal issues and would ask if there was anything that I could do to help them out. I became more interested in social work because of the help that they provide for families and the impact that it has on someone's life. I believe this program's curriculum focus on exactly what I am interested in doing and also my passion drive and skills will further my knowledge. In addition to my educational experience, I actively found work experiences in social work-related fields by volunteering. Becoming a future social work has helped me to make society a better place by giving back to people who are less fortunate than me. I have been volunteering since I was a sophomore in high school and the impact that I had on the client’s life changed mines for the better. The first place that I volunteered at was St Joseph s Hospital located in Milwaukee Wisconsin.

2 pages | 438 words

A master's degree in Data Science would be the next logical step to this Analytical Approach

In my childhood I wished to become someone who can predict the future. But as my maturity grew with my age I aspired to become a leader who can make use of logic as a precursor to make decisions for future of any organization, that the person would work with. I chose science in my twelfth because of my passion for mathematics and physics, but selecting the appropriate undergraduate course was a really challenging decision for me, I elected engineering because I was keen to understand the application of science, which had a lot to do with the application of mind. I felt that Information Technology would be an evident choice of my specialization in engineering to develop my analytical ability through the learning of computer programming because I believed that a blend of applied science, mathematics and analytical skills is the key ingredient for the management skills to make wise future projections. Though commenced with the basics of almost all relevant fields of engineering my undergraduate course gradually focused into the core of computer science such as Operating Systems, Database Management, Systems Object, oriented programming, Networking etc.

1 pages | 376 words

Applying to US University to study Computer Science as a Graduate student

Introduction. We are in the middle of a technological and computing evolution that will potentially change our lives. In the width of a decade, we’ve gone from the internet being a rarity for residential homes to being able to access the web from handheld devices practically everywhere. Many apps are created every day and Moores Law continues to drive our computing power. I am very excited at the prospect of devoting my long term career to such a dynamically advancing field. Ever since I was a teen I have enjoyed computers and experimenting with different applications. As with the rise of the modern computing revolution, I can sense that there are still many developments to come in this field. Experience at bachelor's level It was natural for me to choose Computer Science as my major and now as I near the end of my undergraduate studies it is my immediate goal to continue my education in a more elite and competitive environment.

1 pages | 326 words