Essay Examples on Study

This paper analyzes the role and effect of the L1 in English EFL classroom setting

ABSTRACT. When and how much L1 use in EFL has been a hotly debated problem among scholars over the decades. Since the existence of communicative approaches like direct method and audio-lingual method that prohibits the L1 in EFL classrooms the discussion on the subject has grown. This paper analyzes the role and effect of L1 in the English EFL classroom setting. Researches and studies had been made by professionals have been used as a resource. In this article, I am going to show you the advantages and disadvantages of using and not using the first language besides how and when the first language should be used in foreign language classrooms. Furthermore, my observations as an EFL teacher has been presented in the study. INTRODUCTION. First language L1 use in English as a foreign language EFL classroom has been the focus of ongoing discussion by the researchers over the years since the existence of communicative approaches like direct method, audio, lingual method. It is easy to say that researchers have divided into two groups on the discussion, first who support monolingual classes and secondly researchers that support the idea of using L1.

1 pages | 382 words

Advantages as well the disadvantages of quantitative and qualitative research methods for researching intimacy

Introduction. I will explain the advantages as well as the disadvantages of quantitative and qualitative research methods for researching intimacy. I will mention the influence of integrating both approaches through the two cases below. The Kinsey survey in which the purpose was to perform a sampling technique that involved over 18000 interviews which were recorded as the entire representative of the US society. Lastly, I will discuss the second case of The National Survey of Sexual Attitudes Lifestyles called also the Natsal study team which was set up in the UK in 1990 as the consequence of the outbreak of HIV, AIDs. The Advantages of Quantitative Qualitative methods. The Kinsey survey conducted which was on a large scale mostly as there included over 18000 interviews. The statistic which was extracted from the questioning revealed in two of the Kinsey's publications. Kinsey et al 1948 which it provides a representation of US society. The benefit of this outcome was the discovery that will utilize a possibly sampling method but the Kinsey study revealed that the survey was done in a manner that derived the sampling method from his previous work. Kinsey's sampling was considered even as infancy in the late '30s but was enhanced over time. The Kinsey surveys win their reputation through his position on academic work on the North American gall wasps. These were carrying on as the result of his study by taking different samples from a distinct area from Canada to Mexico Gathorne Hardy J 2005. It is an acceptance to admit that Kinsey applied his research on the benefit by proposing volunteers were surveyed by who Kinsey looked as sought out as well who sought him out. The Kinsey distinction view was and thriving were the evident disparity was the Natsal selected for as well as a wholly balanced questionnaire Wellings et al 1994.

2 pages | 606 words

English Language Teaching Methodology Research Essay

Abstract. This article aims to help the reader to overcome the problems that most students felt hard to learn about in class. There are many techniques to teach easily and reduce bored for students who learn. This article chooses multimedia that includes audio, visual. kinesthetic to make students feel fun to understand the material easily the atmosphere of the class will be enjoying in the class. These media bring some popular items to be introduced that make students interest to study English. So this media which not only listen to the teacher but will combine with visual and kinesthetic in the hope students could better in memorizing the lesson that has taught only in class. Keywords: teaching, media, new items, memorizing better. Background of the study. Introduction. English is an important language used by many people to communicate with each other in the world. Many people attempt to learn English not only because of their image of being able to go to another country but they also learn it in order to contribute to cultural awareness and literacy such as knowledge of the original text. There are many countries made English as one of the main subjects in their school education curriculum so that studying English becomes a must it should be taught from the primary school level up to university. Teaching and learning activity provides the information needed by students.

2 pages | 462 words

Types and performance analyses of the RESTful APIs

REST APIs, as well as their deficits with respect to compliance with the REST architectural style Knowing and analyzing this data in detail, may help to improve the state of the art with purposeful solutions. Software systems may face recurring design problems good solutions to which are known as design patterns that improve the design quality and facilitate maintenance and evolution of software systems. Anti-patterns are the attempted RESTful HTTP usage that creates issues showing the failed adoption of REST ideas. Sometimes it is a poor and counterproductive solution to the design issues. Therefore it is necessary to detect REST anti-patterns for improved maintenance and evolution of RESTful systems. RESTful services are gaining increasing popularity day by day Twitter, Google, Facebook, YouTube, and many more companies leverage REST. However, the usage of REST for designing and developing Web-based applications has increased which has raised the threats to common software engineering challenges. In fact like any other software system, RESTful systems also must evolve to handle new resources i.e meet new business requirements and become scalable. Even the changes in underlying technologies or protocols may force the REST APIs to change.

1 pages | 382 words

Research about analysis of basic Visual Element in Packaging Design.

Packaging design is a creative business that connects form structure materials, color, imaginary typography and ancillary design elements with product information to make a product suitable for marketing Marianne and Sandra 2006 p 33. Besides packaging design is an effective advertisement for each product that sells to consumers. Moreover advertising agencies work with companies to create a packaging design that involves the creation of a product and how it looks to consumers attract to purchase it. Packaging design provides the consumer with clear and specific information, whether consciously or subconsciously and possible a point of comparison which one appears to be a more effective product a better value, a more convenient package purchase is incited Marianne and Sandra 2006 p 36. Therefore it is an alternative way to promote their product and helps to protect their product. Making frequently difficult decisions on technical criteria is part of the packaging designer’s role Bill 2007 p 5. Nowadays, changing market trends put many responsibilities on who those design of the product packaging and it will label of a company. The first step toward this goal is to understand design principles, how design elements are affected by their relationship to one another and how this impacts the overall visual communication Marianne and Sandra 2006 p 79.

2 pages | 412 words