Essay Examples on Antioch University New England

Critical or sensitive period in the process of the acquisition of first or second Languages

Summary Aim of the study to discuss and clarify that if there is a critical or sensitive period in the process of the acquisition of first or second languages Research Questions Does language acquisition progress normally and does the child display a full proficiency in the language when he she begins to learn at an early age Context Participants and Methodology The context of this study is first and second language learning ESL English as a Second Language Participants are just existing through examples there is no study on a specific group of people They are random people who are learning a second language for example immigrants who moved to the United States from China and Korea Findings of the study Suggestion from Eric Lenneberg 1976 human language acquisition is an example of biologically contrived learning If a person acquire the language in his her critical period beginning with childhood and ending with puberty his her language proficiency can be at the maximum degree but if language is acquired after critical period there will be a different or more difficult learning process For him critical period ends because the brain reaches its mature organization in the last stage of adolescence 

1 pages | 398 words

Alcohol misuse is a serious current health issue in Scotland

Alcohol misuse is a serious current health issue in Scotland There are more alcohol related deaths in Scotland than any other part of the UK a recent study has shown Alcohol related liver disease in Scotland is on the rise with the average age of death being 59 years old In the past decade there is five times the increase in 35 55 year olds developing cirrhosis of the liver due to alcohol misuse Men make up 35 of the population drinking more than 14 units per week compared to the 17 of women Liver disease in the United Kingdom is the 5th largest cause of death and 70 of liver cirrhosis is consequential of excess alcohol The Scotsman 2017 Alcohol misuse increases the risk of developing many long term health issues such as heart disease stroke liver disease and cancers As well as many health issues long term alcohol misuse can also affect people socially and lead to unemployment relationship breakdowns and homelessness NHS Choices 2015 Alcohol harm costs the Scottish Health Service 267 million per year and overall an annual cost of 3 6 billion per year in health social care as well as alcohol related crime costs Alcohol Focus Scotland 2017 Alcohol related deaths in Scotland are linked to social deprivation Social influences have an effect on alcohol misuse and reports agree that alcohol is readily available cheap and widely marketed and young people are living in a society where drinking is seen as the norm Peer pressure is another social influence on young people with the most common location among underage drinkers being at parties with friends Alcohol Focus Scotland 2017

2 pages | 522 words

A Right to Repair

A Right to Repair As electronics go smartphones and tractors are on the opposite ends of the spectrum And a laptop user and a farmer of corn and soybeans do not usually have much in common But should be upset for the same reasons Electronics are in everything from mobile devices to cars and tractors And many owners and or repair technicians are fighting to be able to repair those electronics Some types of electronics such as photocopiers and medical equipment have always been hard to fix because of their complexity But what has been an exception is now becoming a rule says Nabil Nasr of the Rochester Institute of Technology A right to repair movement tools up Even a John Deere tractor comes with intricate software controlling everything from the engine to the armrests Mobile devices are getting ever tighter packed to make them smaller and able to add new features Manufacturers are also creating new blocks for fixing devices Leased equipment and devices under warranty have always been a no go for repairs but firms now regularly prohibit tinkering with a product s software

1 pages | 371 words
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