Kenya has temperate and tropical climates that somehow affect their livelihood health sanitation shelter and economic development According to Human Rights Watch 2015 extreme weather events such as drought flooding heat shocks melting glaciers and sometimes the possibility of crops being frozen which negatively affects a farmer s harvest that could lead to food scarcity A convention named Climate Summit where countries express their help and ask for other countries help in formulating a plan to help that said country with the current issue concerning extreme weather events that causes negative effects to the economy of the country Even though Kenya had exerted effort in developing the Kenya National Climate Change Response Strategy 2013 and the Kenya National Climate Change Action Plan 2013 it was still advisable for the government of Kenya to assess those regions and states who would be greatly affected by the extreme weather events and develop a plan on how to address the situation when it occurs to somehow lessen the impact of damage to the regions and states On the other hand a website Denmark in Kenya and stated that because of the misused resources of Kenya that was supposed to help Kenyans in times of harsh conditions a cooperation between