Big data is becoming more accessible and user friendly there is a vast amount of businesses specifically for analysing business data but how do businesses cope with reading this analysed data Big data can be the make or break of a business when analysed correctly Big data is only as useful at the rate of its analysis businesses need to stay ahead of their competitors and the data can be used to predict the next step Keywords Big data Fast data Analytics business intelligence and performance Introduction Data is no longer valued by its size or ranking what matters is how easily people or businesses can access it Tableau 2017 The amount of data we store is ever increasing it is predicted that by 2020 there will be 44 trillion gigabytes with 1 7 megabits of new data created every second of everyday to process this amount of data in the speed that is required data warehousing works through each piece as it comes through allowing it to support real time analytics and complex decision making Zhuo 2016 Large businesses are increasingly demanding more advanced analytics tools to speed up the process of informed business decisions Reddy 2017