How will the change in the recipe of Nutella by Ferrero have effect on the company revenue Talk to naval academy guy from shrine mont about navy Table of Contents Introduction 1 Methodology 2 SWOT Analysis 3 Globalization Nutella 3 Marketing Mix 4 Research and Findings 5 Conclusion 6 Bibliography 7 Appendix 7 TIME 8 Chicago Tribune 11 CNN Money 14 Ferrero website 20 Introduction Ferrero SpA is an Italian manufacturer of branded chocolate and confectionery products and it is the third biggest chocolate producer and confectionery company in the world Wikipedia Nutella is the first product of Ferrero The first version of Nutella technically came out around 1950 known as Supercrema and the name Nutella wasn t coined till 1964 Ferrero main website Ever since then Nutella has gone global making its presence in 55 countries Ferrero main website and have expanded on their different food options Ferrero SpA the creators of Nutella have recently announced that they changed the original recipe of their product Nutella The news about the change in the original recipe to Nutella angered many loyal customers in early November 2017 Their out lashes have been seen through Twitter The reason behind the decision of adding more sugar 55 9 to 56 3 tribune and powdered skim milk 7 5 to 8 7 tribune to the recipe was to gain more control over the production and supply of hazelnuts money cnn com This raised both sugar and powdered milk contents from the original recipe while lowering the fat content as well Time