Essay Examples on Brunswick Community College

Thierry de Duve talks about two models within the Teaching

Thierry de Duve talks about two models within the teaching of art these are the academic model and the Bauhaus model The academic model consists of an extremely regimented structure talent technique imitation which all involve learning from the past The Bauhaus model is much more open and free flowing main ideas creativity mediums and invention thinking much more into the future experimentation and all that has occurred in human history However like de Duve s states they contaminate each other both models now may have blended together become out of use or even discarded Within this text there are many postulates of the teaching in art school which Thierry de Duve talks about the first being talent or creativity Talent is a natural aptitude or skill in a particular field subject or method Whereas creativity is using one s imagination or original ideas to create something different or expand on traditional ideas producing something meaningful The created item may be intangible or a physical item Thierry de Duve mentions that we have a talent in a particular area whereas creativity can be used in a wide range of areas and subjects However these two talent and creativity go hand in hand as if you couldn't use your imagination to think of ideas in a particular field you wouldn't be able to put your talent to good use to execute the idea As Duve also says that talent is unequally distributed compared to creativity so you would be wasting a rare flair Looking at metier technique versus medium these two are interlinked if being educated through the academic model they would encourage the student to improve on their metier to get their technical skills perfect similar to historical artists Metier is the way in which you use the medium to create the piece of art However if using the Bauhaus model of teaching they would encourage the students to experiment with the medium allowing them to use it to their advantage 

2 pages | 662 words

Research Paper Peace Conflict Studies

Final Research Paper Peace Conflict Studies Winter 2018 Kurdish Turkish Conflict The historical root causes of the Turkish Kurdish conflict can date back to the separation of Kurdish populations after the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1920 and the officially declared Turkish Republic in 1923 After the war the States of Turkey Syria Iraq and Iran became nation states after the treaty of Sèvres and Lausanne were established This new nation states created new boundaries Unfortunately the promise of a sole nation state was never established for the Kurdish population thus creating a displaced group with no official identity and recognition by any state After the war and creation of the Republic of Turkey national identity was sought after and ultimately created on the basis of different factors During the expansion and domination of the Ottoman Empire the Kurds had enjoyed time of autonomy while the Ottoman Empire fought against Persian Empires After losing some territory the Ottoman Empire began to consolidate their borders thus displacing Kurds that were located in the eastern front After the war the new reinstated Republic was limited to the borders of present day turkey to create a new identity for the nation Kemal Atatürk began envisioning an identity for the nation as he believed the meaning Turk itself was vague and needed to be defined He based his principles on the sociologist Ziya Gokalp He rejected the racial basis for constructing a nation on the grounds that there is no relationship between biological characteristics and social traits Since nationality is the sum total of social characteristics and is independent of racial traits the meaning must be sought elsewhere Saatci 556

2 pages | 550 words