Essay Examples on Cabrini University

How do filmmakers use camera techniques to tell a story?

Essential Question How do filmmakers use camera techniques to tell a story Have you ever read a book that captured your attention Authors use written language to communicate their story When you read a book the author provides some details of the event but the reader is left to fill in other details of the scene in his or her mind Each reader creates a slightly different version of the scene Additionally the reader uses the author s descriptions to imagine what the characters look and sound like The author may provide some details but ultimately the reader creates the images in their brain Authors use written language while storytellers use a combination of descriptive spoken language facial expressions voices phrasing and timing to weave their tale You are being drawn in and your imagination is stimulated Storytellers remove one detail from the reader s responsibilities Storytellers are also tasked with creating the characters voices The readers no longer has to imagine what the character sounds like This information has been provided to them Both authors and storytellers share one common trait 

1 pages | 364 words