Essay Examples on Central Washington University

Physician assisted suicide is voluntary Termination

Physician assisted suicide is voluntary termination of a persons life by a lethal substance often in the form drugs prescribed by a physician this is done with the direct or indirect assistance of a physician Physician suicide is a perfectly ethical option for a person who is terminally ill or suffering This illness pain and suffering can cause one to feel as though they have no other option but to die so that they can be relieved and taken out of their misery Although it is the patients choice whether they would like to die in this manner it is against the law in many states including New York Physician assisted suicide is only legal in five states Oregon Vermont Washington California Colorado and District of Columbia euthanasia procon org Physician assistant suicide should be legal in all states because people have the right to choose how they would like to live their lives Being that physician assistant suicide is illegal it gives people less control over their lives and takes away from their rights 

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