Essay Examples on Charis Bible College

Wartime suffering is what can aptly be described as a necessary Evil

Wartime suffering is what can aptly be described as a necessary evil necessary for its historical importance as a future deterrence and evil in its continued lingering presence A vivid example of how wartime suffering shaped the reconstruction of two European societies post World War II appears in the writings of Bernadette Atuahene During the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands and France for the five years preceding the end of the war European Jews were systematically stripped of their property rights She describes these as dignity takings a deprivation of rightful property that leaves the disadvantaged group dehumanized or infantilized This is clearly beyond any sort or measure of theft or petty robbery it has moral and societal implications as well 

1 pages | 242 words

The purpose of this windshield survey is to gain Knowledge

The purpose of this windshield survey is to gain knowledge of my community by completing an assessment of the community environment in order to recognize community lifestyle health issues health resources and physical environments The purpose of this paper is to complete a windshield survey of City of Utica located in Macomb County Michigan I started my windshield survey by driving north of hall rd to a Utica downtown It was around 5 PM and I can hear heavy traffic on all directions at the junction of M 59 and Van Dyke rd When I stopped at the intersection I could smell other cars exhaust when it was 21 C because it seems like in winter exhaust and muffler can be damaged by large potholes and ice chunks I saw few people at the bus stop waiting for their bus transportation people filling up fuel at the gas station city cleaning crew plowing the snow and putting salts on the road couple jogging on the side pavement people driving their car with a cup of hot beverage in their to stay warm and I could also see construction crew working on the side of the road as well I live in the City of Utica Michigan Utica shares its geographical boundaries with Sterling Heights on the south and Shelby Charter Township on the north 

2 pages | 442 words