Reshaping The Constitution The United States Constitution was created with a purpose to form a peaceful yet powerful nation Now will everyone agree to these standards Due to a society we all live in today that is unfortunately nowhere near the word perfect the simple answer is no The bright side is there is always hope and opinions to manipulate the constitution Therefore the changes I would like to see would be to not have limits to our presidential terms to require a balance within our nation's budget to help eliminate billions in debt and critique the 10th Amendment The first adjustment to the Constitution I would like to see would be to have our nation's president serve for however long he or she possibly chooses or have the opportunity to be elected an infinite number of times There have been a lot of outstanding presidents in our country s past but there has been some less than adequate ones as well The people of this nation should have the right to vote for their best opinionated president as many times as the candidate chooses to run Two terms is just simply not long enough for an elite president to be able to make the necessary changes and improvements for this nation and the millions and billions of citizens living in it The next adjustment I would want to see is a change on requiring a balanced primary budget Having said this it means the cost of serving the national government's debt would be prohibited