Essay Examples on Clatsop Community College

The international political scene with the Persian Wars

The classical age opened on the international political scene with the Persian wars and with the decisive contribution of Athens for the victory over the barbarian The first signs of the conflict were in Asia Minor where the Persians in 494 tamed a revolt in the blood of the cities of Ionia after the war on two occasions it was brought to the Hellenic soil In 490 Darius after destroying Eretria landed his army in Attica but was stopped by the Athenians in the plain of Marathon In 480 Xerxes involved all the cities of Greece in a single conflict which with few exceptions resisted in arms united in a great Panhellenic League led by Sparta Defeated at Thermopylae the Greeks succeeded in eradicating the enemy at Salamis and at Plataea The battle of Salamina marked the decisive stage of the victory the success was the sole merit of Athens and of the naval armaments policy desired by Temistocle From that moment Athens could rightly claim to have opposed alone to the barbarian for the liberty of all Greece and could exploit the prestige conquered to develop a policy that in the fifty years between the Persian conflict and the Peloponnesian war determined the rise of the city In this period which is defined by the name of pentecontety 478 431 

2 pages | 432 words

Majora Carter Greening the Ghetto Inspirational TED Talk

Majora Carter Greening the Ghetto Inspirational TED Talk Majora Carter is one of New York City s most well known activists for environmental justice and economic equality In February 2006 Carter gave an inspiring and emotionally charged eighteen minute speech on Greening the Ghetto at a TED Technology Entertainment Design conference in Monterey California More specifically this convention calls attention to the prevalent issue of environmental inequality and environmental racism among minority communities Not only does Carter underscore the importance of sustainable development and the imperative need for a clean green economy but she also presents a number of feasible ways in which we can maintain economic development without causing environmental pollution or degradation 

1 pages | 226 words