Essay Examples on Contraceptive

Birth Control and Insurance

Birth control and Insuranceю Nearly half of the pregnancies in the United States are not planned, the rate of pregnancies is higher between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four. Eron 2012 four out of ten of those pregnancies result in abortion. Young adults have a higher rate of contracting a STD or other sexual disorder. I think that this was the problem the government had to deal with which made the government come to the decision to suspend health coverage for students on birth control. This problem could have been addressed in many other ways including education, medicine and other counseling things. Taking a look at the Christians perspective of premarital sex, according to Merit 2016. Christians are already angry by changing social mores when it comes to sexual intercourse. There are certain activities that coincide with sex and virginity. Both sex and virginity differ in the Christian and public health division. Everyone thinks that a virgin is pure and has never had sex before marriage. Many forget about the different types of sex such as oral sex Graham 2012. Some Christians may think that having sex before marriage is not such a horrible thing. To them, they think the conventional Christian ways concerning sexuality should be revised. There are many people in the United States who are very uncomfortable to talk about the sexual health issues that we have to say Eron 2012. The majority of the concerns are for young adults between the age of eighteen and twenty-four, who overlook the subject and continue on with sexual activities.

2 pages | 512 words