Essay Examples on Cornish College of the Arts

My father took Ali in he loved him like his own Son

What did he say Why would I ever want to do this Why would he speak like this My father took Ali in he loved him like his own son I loved Ali like my own brother I ve grown up with Ali for my whole life 40 goddamn years and Amir expects me to throw him out When I was just a boy my father who was a judge in Kabul brought home a five year old Hazara boy who was orphaned after drunk drivers killed his parents My father adopted him into my own household and told the other servants to tutor him but be kind to him In theory we were brothers but because of the the differences of race in Kabul things were never really equal between us I am a Pashtun and Ali however is a Hazara which means he is destined to be a servant We grew up together as childhood playmates at least until polio crippled his leg It was in fact just like Amir and Hassan grew up but a generation later To be completely honest I don't think I can imagine my life without Ali Amir brings me shame I am amazed that he would even think that let alone say it I mean this is their home and we are their family If he ever asks me that question again I might lose it I ve never laid a hand on Amir but after this I m not so sure Amir has never made me proud this proves why I just want him to be a young man that I can be proud of but I'm not sure he'll ever live up to my expectations and I just crave I ll find a way for him to be a man I want him to play soccer a sport I participated in as a child But he was pathetic a failure I took him to a Buzkashi tournament but that ended with Amir crying He's not becoming the young man I wish he would Instead he is off reading poetry and writing stories a hobby I disapprove of Amir also has no courage or bravery 

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