Hey you look quite drained How does a Dr Pepper 10 sound to freshen you up a bit Wait never mind Go back to cleaning the floors and doing the laundry This soda drink is only for men not for women For a society that has come a long way in suppressing women discrimination over the years the Dr Pepper 10 commercial has found a way to alienate and exclude women from a rather gender neutral product in order to show their male target audience that Dr Pepper 10 is a man s drink Specifically speaking the language used male identities portrayed and stereotypical women gender roles shown throughout the commercial all are techniques successfully used by Dr Pepper to exclude women from their product The language used throughout the commercial illustrates to viewers that Dr Pepper 10 is not for women To begin with diction is used in the quote It s only 10 manly calories where the use of the word manly emphasizes that the product is exclusively for men by portraying the image of a masculine and strong male Putting this together with the phrase It s only 10 manly calories this gives the audience the notion that consuming this drink will lead to such masculine qualities Similarly by marketing their product as Dr Pepper 10 instead of diet soda makes a major impact The media often portrays women as more concerned about their bodies and diet than men