Essay Examples on Elon University

Minimum wage has been a big part of The United States

Minimum wage has been a big part of The United States ever since 1912 In 1912 Massachusetts was the first state to pass minimum wage laws These laws were mainly for women and children The commission on minimum wage board of Massachusetts said Whenever wages are less than the cost of living and the reasonable provision for maintaining the worker in health the industry employing her is in receipt of the working energy of a human being at less than its cost and to the extent is parasitic Garofalo In 1938 the Fair Labor Standard Act FLSA put national minimum wage laws into place Franklin D Roosevelt put the FLSA into place This act made it so those who worked over time were not underpaid and they put a limit on how many hours a week someone could work The national minimum wage can only be raised by congressional action it does not raise with inflation Since 1938 when they passed this act 12 presidents have raised the wages 22 different times In today's world the nation s minimum wage rate is seven dollars and twenty five cents per hour The standard is forty hours a week if an employee exceeds those hours they are supposed to get payed a time and a half for all overtime The reason for minimum wage is to help keep people out of poverty and to not take advantage of individuals Since the purpose of minimum wage is to keep society out of poverty minimum wage has to be different in almost every state If the purpose of minimum wage is to keep people out of poverty 

2 pages | 534 words

Research in this lab focuses on seizure focus localization and seizure Prediction

For the past year I have worked as an undergraduate researcher in the Brain Dynamics Laboratory in the Department of Biomedical Engineering The research in this lab focuses on seizure focus localization and seizure prediction in epileptic patients As we go through data that has been recorded before during and after seizures and create algorithms to analyze this data every day it is very easy to become detached from the reality of epilepsy and how greatly it affects the lives of the people who suffer from the disorder I always thought that a self management intervention for people with epilepsy already existed considering the disorder affects 1 2 of the population so I was surprised to find that this is not the case and that instead a large amount of people goes to the emergency room when they have a seizure I chose to review the article Developing and assessing the acceptability of an epilepsy first aid training intervention for patients who visit UK emergency departments

1 pages | 327 words