3376However, there are some difficulties in the teaching process such as different types of students, learning styles. It means that every student has a different learning style to get the material in their own ways. There are three types of learning styles audio, visual and kinesthetic. However, most students tend to use audio and visual learning style in which students obtain information and knowledge through listening and seeing. Meanwhile, learning materials that help students to gain knowledge by combining their vision and audio are called multimedia.
THE DEFINITION OF MULTIMEDIA. Multimedia may be defined in multiple ways depending upon one's perspective. Typical definitions include the following. 1 Multimedia is the use of multiple forms of media in a presentation Schwartz Beichner 1999 p 8 ISSN 1798 4769 Journal of Language Teaching and Research Vol 3 No 6 pp 1208 1215 November 2012 2012 ACADEMY PUBLISHER Manufactured in Finland doi 10 4304 jltr 3 6 1208 1215 2012 ACADEMY PUBLISHER 2. Multimedia is information in the form of graphics, audio, video or movies. A multimedia document contains a media element other than plain text.