Essay Examples on Farmingdale High School

The plague is an illness that is singularly terrifying and fascinating in its effectiveness

The plague is an illness that is singularly terrifying and fascinating in its effectiveness It has varying strains and broad symptoms many of which are similar to the flu allowing it to often go undetected Since it still exists today it is an important illness to understand Knowing how it works how it s transmitted it s basic symptoms and how to properly treat it are all important in preventing another one of it s infamous outbreaks The mutant bacteria behind the infamous plague is known as Yersinia Pestis On it s own it is not powerful and can t survive outside a host But once the bacteria enters a host victim it immediately begins to break down the victim s immune system in order to survive By injecting toxins into defense cells it clears the way to multiply unhindered within the host National Depending on the method of transmission there are three different forms of plague Bubonic plague which is the most common form of plague is an infection of the lymph nodes Pneumonic plague is a lung based plague and is the second most common form Septicemic plague is the least common form and is an infection of the blood Vyas

2 pages | 406 words