Essay Examples on First Language

This paper analyzes the role and effect of the L1 in English EFL classroom setting

ABSTRACT. When and how much L1 use in EFL has been a hotly debated problem among scholars over the decades. Since the existence of communicative approaches like direct method and audio-lingual method that prohibits the L1 in EFL classrooms the discussion on the subject has grown. This paper analyzes the role and effect of L1 in the English EFL classroom setting. Researches and studies had been made by professionals have been used as a resource. In this article, I am going to show you the advantages and disadvantages of using and not using the first language besides how and when the first language should be used in foreign language classrooms. Furthermore, my observations as an EFL teacher has been presented in the study. INTRODUCTION. First language L1 use in English as a foreign language EFL classroom has been the focus of ongoing discussion by the researchers over the years since the existence of communicative approaches like direct method, audio, lingual method. It is easy to say that researchers have divided into two groups on the discussion, first who support monolingual classes and secondly researchers that support the idea of using L1.

1 pages | 382 words