The prescribed title question of this essay concern how our knowledge increases when we have doubt in them however with little confidence we tend to act as if we know more knowledge at hand To try to provide an answer to the statement made in the prescribed title One has to define what confidence is when one has little knowledge and what doubt is when it comes to knowledge To reference this I will try to put the Dunning Kruger effect where it states that It s a phenomenal where people who are really qualified tend to underestimate their ability whereas people who are underqualified tend to over fluctuate their sense of self importance Hence the purpose of these essay is to discuss the statement with two areas of knowledge The two areas of Knowledge that will be use in hand with the prescribed title will be Human sciences and Natural sciences it will allows us to come with evidences that will go in hand with the Prescribed title or go against the statement as a whole And the two ways of knowing that will be used will be Intuition and reason due to their in depth form of knowledge and the processes of forming our conclusion without us being aware of our mental processes To able to discusses the statement above a main knowledge question has to be formed