Essay Examples on General Douglas MacArthur High School

Easy generalization of international relations

With the evolution of technology and the rise of globalization most of the countries around the world do not have much choice but to work with others in order to develop and reach their economic and political goals This easy generalization of international relations in the political economic and cultural fields hence tend to make liberalist theory prevalent around the world However even though interconnectedness and interdependence seem to be a better attitude to adopt than conflictual relations in a globalized world it is still possible to argue against that idea Cooperation being supported by policies of understanding and exchange between two states On the other hand conflict being a violent opposition of feelings opinions and or interests that may eventually lead to an armed struggle or a fight between two or more powers competing for a right Conflict seems to be a natural and almost inevitable stage human societies go through from time to time One can therefore argue that the naturalness of this behavior makes it a qualifiable strategy in the international field Back in history and even up until now multiple examples of conflicts and wars show that conflictual relations between states are very present and have often led to a gain in economic and political power for the winning state 

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