IV Administrative leadership It is a subjective control which depends on the charisma character and motivation expressed by the command it largely depends on meritorious and professional appointments at the top In internal control mechanisms political executive elected Heads Government through ministers control the permanent executive bureaucracy through following systems i Recruitment and promotion system Transparent and merit based recruitments training and career planning systems through designated agencies are to be devised in which removal procedures and disciplinary laws too are provided ii Executive legislation Rules and policies are made by the ministries Policies are formulated to make departments run smoothly and discharge their functions in the most efficient way These should address the requirements of the time and invariably are required to be periodically revisited and reformed iii Professional advisory Agencies These are quintessential to support the system such bodies carry out research work for efficient and effective systems and render their advice to the policy makers iv Budgetary allocations Budgetary controls are used to maintain efficiency and effectiveness of the organization and provide value against the money spent v Staff Agencies Various cabinet committees are formed to oversee and account for the working of departments e g public accounts committee or any committee made on a special subject vi Codes of conduct To maintain the neutrality of the bureaucracy rules are laid to set a standard of ethical and official behaviors and incidents of misconduct and deviance are punished vii Specialized Agencies