Essay Examples on Gordon–Conwell Theological Seminary

Professional satisfaction has been Examined from time to time

Job satisfaction is one of the most important issues of organizational industrial psychology especially since it is considered to be inextricably linked both to the mental health of the employees and to the interest of the various organizations to achieve high efficiency as well as permanent stable and satisfied staff Although the phenomenon of professional satisfaction has been examined from time to time in various ways the researchers agree that professional satisfaction is a multidimensional concept Therefore a number of definitions have been created One of the first definitions was given by Hoppock 1935 who argues that the concept of professional satisfaction includes a combination of psychological physiological and environmental conditions by which the individual is driven to declare whether or not he she is satisfied of The study of job satisfaction began to involve many researchers of both Human Resource Management HRM and Psychology from the late 19th century and mainly in the 1990s One of the main reasons for intensifying research around this issue is the correlation of professional satisfaction with other behaviors at the workplace and especially the performance of employees One of the most widely used definitions for job satisfaction stems from Locke 1984 Locker 1984 states that professional satisfaction is the pleasant or positive emotional response of the individual to the specific work he performs which stems from the belief that he fulfils his professional values

2 pages | 455 words