Essay Examples on Herricks High School

Recently technology has grown to be the driving force in productivity and efficiency

Recently technology has grown to be the driving force in productivity and efficiency Although technology has provided many helpful benefits it has also raised several privacy issues Bruce Schneier is an expert in technology and information and a fellow at Harvard Law School In his article Data and Goliath he exposes the many ways in which every individual is being tracked and how their information is compromised He says your cell phone tracks where you like to spend your weekends and evenings It tracks how often you go to church how much time you spend in a bar and whether you speed when you drive Schneier 453 He goes on to explain how trackers know who you are spending your time with and when giving them the ability to predict where you will be 24 7 I agree with Schneier s argument that cell phone users need to understand the severity of the repercussions if power and information is placed in the wrong hands because I have personally seen my data being recorded on my phone when I take pictures and shopping online However I disagree with the claim that the government and police being able to track data is a growing threat because I believe it raises a sense of security in the world Every individual is constantly under surveillance 

2 pages | 436 words