Essay Examples on Lindsey Wilson College School of Professional Counseling

Oedipus Rex by Sophocles is a greek Tragedy

Oedipus Rex by Sophocles is a greek tragedy that tells the story of Oedipus and what leads to his ruin The Oracle of Delphi tells King Laius of Thebes that his unborn child will be destined to kill him and sleep with his wife Jocasta the child's mother Oedipus is abandoned by his birth parents and adopted by the king and queen of Corinth Years later Oedipus questions Oracle Delphi about the identities of his real parents The oracle tells Oedipus his prophecy that he will kill his father and sleep with his mother Oedipus attempts running from his fate but is unsuccessful as he runs directly into it Every part of his prophecy was correct The real question is if Oedipus is indeed responsible for what happened to him Oedipus and those around him think that fate is the origin of his issues though Oedipus own rash decisions and actions shows the audience that he is the one who is accountable Due to Oedipus impulsive and prideful nature he allows his fate to come true and he is ultimately responsible for his downfall The Ancient Greek culture is known for having a number of gods who controlled the fate of man It was of the norm for one to seek out from the gods whats they had in store for them Consulting with oracles was considered standard However even though it was so widely practiced it was still very important to have deep respect and reverence for the gods which Oedipus unfortunately lacked in Immediately when Oedipus hears about the divine god s prediction of his fate he tries to run away from it

2 pages | 550 words