Essay Examples on London School of Science and Technology

According to Barker modernism represents a period of radical Change

According to Barker modernism represents a period of radical change in social economic cultural and political orders which is creating a new global disorder These changes are not confined to a specific nation or country rather they are implicated in a process of globalization In order to realize these cultural transformations it is necessary to trace the history of the economic and technological strategies that constituted principles and cultural relations of entire social formations Fordism named after Henry Ford is a notion of a pre 1945 pre WWII economic and social order It was based on an industrialized and standardized form of mass production It was first used in ford s car manufacturing business The philosophy of Fordism aims to achieve higher profit by producing standardized low cost goods on a mass scale using conveyor assembly lines and breaking the work into small deskilled tasks The core of Fordism is the concept of mass production catering the development of a mass market and mass consumption as well Workers are paid higher wages so they can afford to purchase the products they make This means the emergence of a culture of consumption of mass commodities in basic family households It is also marked by the development of the culture of promotion and advertising that supported the selling process

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