Essay Examples on Mayland Community College

A community resource that can be shared with Parents

A community resource that can be shared with parents and used by early childhood professional to support children's development is a children's museum This are institutions that provide programs that stimulate the developmental experiences of children Children's museums feature various programs that are specifically designed to stimulate the learning experiences of children Museums support children's development through various activities and strategies that facilitate learning This is particularly achieved through interactivity which is considered as necessary in children's learning experiences A children's museum is rich with exciting things that allow children to explore and learn through touch and enquiry Museums facilitate learning that is easily transferable as they focus on tangible objects and exhibits Smith 2017 Museums respond to the needs and interests of children through free choice learning which is different from the formal learning experiences at schools Children's museums are valuable to parents and educators as they are accessible Museums also provide interactivity which enables learning to be embedded in interactive process that makes children s experiences both dialogical and practical Museums provide children with first hand exploration which is not available in formal learning environments

1 pages | 372 words