Essay Examples on McCall College

Transportation Trucks rail and barges used for Transporting

Transportation Trucks rail and barges used for transporting coal all affect air and water quality The environmental and health impacts of blowing coal dust there is also the air pollution from the vehicles themselves Chen and Sable 1982 4 3 3 Coal fired power generation Coal fired power plants which emit more than 60 different hazardous air pollutants Despite billions of dollars for investment scientists are unable to remove harmful emissions from factories completely Pollution from coal fired power stations which is released in four main ways Chen and Sable 1982 As fly ash from the smokestack bottom ash which stays at the bottom after the coal is burned waste gases from the scrubber units which are chemical processes used to remove some pollutants and gas released into the air i SO2 Sulphur dioxide and NOX nitrogen oxides Coal fired power plants produce large quantities of both SO2 and NOx which is the critical pollutants in the formation of acid rain 

1 pages | 310 words