Essay Examples on New England Conservatory of Music

If We Are So Rich Why Aren't We Happy

The concise sentence that claims the Csikszentmihalyi is if we are so rich why we are not happy The author Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is psychology professor at Claremont Graduate University in California He is a founder of positive psychology that studies how people can lead happier This is the paper which he tells why we are not happy even though we have enough money Here all is the summary What we say well which increasing pleasure or increase in happiness or reducing pain although the reverse is it is the one that causes pain or reduces pleasure We do not want to learn much more then we must communicate with us This is our opinion as we have seen so we cannot give our opinion about the use of optimistic feelings and we think happiness as where we are happy that include joy pride gladness and thankfulness People give great value to many things like fame health professions etc because these things will make happy and we value happiness for itself In this way happiness is just one of the main goals for people s objectives that is one in the lower lines of desire To find real happiness we must understand the relationship of material and subjective wellbeing Direct evidence about the alleged relationship
2 pages | 428 words