Essay Examples on Newham College of Further Education

Newshour show how do humans gain power by sharing It

Newshour show how do humans gain power by sharing it The Dukes who Take Turns Power is gained through generosity in the case of both Prospero and Antonio while that same power is taken from both characters as a result of their abusing it This is illustrated by Dacher Keltner s explanation that people gain power by advancing the welfare of other people and displays Shakespeare s insight on the way a paradox of power allowed people of humbler means to rise in class and status at the time Early on in the play it is clear to see that generosity and advancing the well being of others were effectively used by Antonio as a means of rising to power in Milan The language used by Prospero in act 1 scene 2 leaves no doubt as to the effectiveness of the methods used by Antonio to rise to power in Milan He explains to his daughter the way Antonio Being once pèrfected how to grant suits gained his power The language being once pèrfected uses the word perfect to show that Prospero understands the perfection of Antonio s plans He comprehends that to grant suits to others is a perfect way to rise to power 

2 pages | 410 words