Essay Examples on Newman University College

The beautiful game of baseball is often compared to a match of Chess

The beautiful game of baseball is often compared to a match of chess between the pitcher and the batter The pitcher on one team throws the ball with the intent of not allowing the batter on the other team to hit it but with the ultimate goal of getting the batter out which means the batter does not get on base If a pitcher does not make the correct strategic moves things can go wrong in a heartbeat A pitcher can make or break a teams chances of winning nothing is more important than having a reliable pitcher on the mound at the right time If one team makes the mistake of not bringing a pitcher into a game or removing them at the right time one pitch can have devastating effects Also many games have been lost when the pitcher does not complete their role correctly There are multiple types of pitchers that are used for in different situations In the next couple pages I am going to classify each type of pitcher and explain their roles for their team One of the most important and influential pitching roles in baseball is the starter The starter does exactly as its name he starts pitching for his team at the very beginning of the game I believe this is the hardest role for a pitcher because of the durability and endurance a pitcher needs to have mentally and physically 

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