Essay Examples on Operating System

Mobile Application for Cafeteria Ordering System

Introduction.Purpose. This document presents an explanation of the features objectives application and user interface of UOG Smart Cafe. It will describe how under which conditions the system must operate. This SRS describes the software functional and nonfunctional requirements of the UOG smart café. This document is intended to be used by the members of the project team that will implement and verify the correct functioning of the system. All requirements specified here are high priority requirements. This UOG smart cafe is the system where the student's worker's faculty will order their food and receive their orders from the cafeteria without any delay as they can directly go and collect what they ordered without waiting any time. The purpose of the system is to develop a simple Canteen Automation System and implement it by android mobile application and It will be applicable in the boundaries of UOG under certain conditions 2. 1 2 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions. This document is intended for readers such as system developers, system tester, system designers and the cafeteria owner. This document is a sequential overview of the whole system. By reading this document they will get knowledge about the system and learn about what the project is implemented for. So if the reader will read this document he will get a clear idea about the system what are the functionalities and features of the system 2 1.
2 pages | 458 words