Ducation is a prime example Considered a fundamental right yet often it is he girls that must either drop out of school or limit their time in education to carry out domestic duties that may include looking after a parent or sibling when their mothers are sick or out working More generally care obligations also create obstacles to women s full and meaningful participation in the public sphere The result is that women s specific priorities are often overlooked by the male dominated institutions responsible for making public policies and allocating budgets Even when care activities are paid the work remains undervalued Jobs in care are highly female dominated and are notoriously low status and badly paid This is partly due to gender ideologies which portray care work as unskilled as something which comes naturally to women While a range of socio economic factors influence health and wellbeing gender is of significance While women have lower mortality rates than men Annandale 2014 they also experience greater morbidity and are over represented in health statistics White 2013 This gives rise to the notion that men die quicker but women are sicker Bartley 2004 although recent figures show that the gender gap is closing Source Office for National Statistics 2014a 2014b