Title Most people do not know who the US Congressional Senator is in their state well in California Dianne Feinstein is one of our Congressional Senators Dianne Feinstein has done a lot for the state of California this includes dealing with the drugs that are smuggled into the United States the AMBER Alert system and many other bills or issues going on In San Francisco where she grew up she was the first woman on Board of Supervisors and the first woman mayor Before Feinstein had made a name for herself in the US Congress she went to Stanford and received her Bachelor s Degree In 1992 is when she was elected into the Senate and 25 years later she is still apart of it She is apart of the Democratic party and is up for re election in 2018 Feinstein is apart of the Senate Judiciary Committee but that is just one of many some of her key interests as stated earlier are criminalization of border drug tunnels sex trafficking preventing sex abuse of amatuer athletes and many others A bill that she created was the Feinstein Concealed Carry Gun Bills Dangerous is was issued on July 7th 2012 Until this day the bill has for the most part been ignored In the article Dianne Feinstein introduces senate gun control to ban bump stocks she states