Essay Examples on Pioneer Pacific College

Ancient Greece law was the epicenter of the community State

In Ancient Greece law was the epicenter of the community state and lifestyle It's influence as well had led to the creation of the separation powers This separation of powers was looked on upon by Aristotle in his book The Politics There are three elements in each constitution in respect of which every serious lawgiver must look for what is advantageous to it of these are well arranged the constitution is bound to be well arranged and the differences in constitutions are bound to correspond to the differences between each of these elements The three are first the deliberative which discusses everything of common importance second the official and third the judicial element This then separation of powers as said by Aristotle can cause a greater arrangement of government However this usage of power can lead to an imbalance and cause chaos This is where it's counter partner the checks and balances comes in The checks and balances actually first took place in the Ancient Roman Republic Where the government had a system that kept the 3 branches in check To be more precise the Separation of Powers is a division of government responsibilities into distinct branches to limit one branch from gaining too much power This division of government consists of 3 three different branches having their own specific powers The 3 branches are the Legislative branch Executive and Judicial Branch The Legislative branch holds the United States Congress the Executive Branch is composed of the President and the Judicial branch bears the Supreme Court 

2 pages | 506 words