Essay Examples on Portland Community College

Investigated the two half scale steel plate shear wall with the height to Width

Astaneh and Zhao in an experimental research investigated the two half scale steel plate shear wall with the height to width ratio of about 1 1 5 The main objectives of the tests were to establish the cyclic behavior of steel shear wall systems using concrete filled tubes as boundary elements and internal columns beams and steel shear walls as the lateral load resisting system The main parameters studied were stiffness strength and ductility under cyclic shear displacements Both specimens behaved in a very ductile and desirable manner 1 Elgaaly and Caccese carried out experimental studies on steel plate shear walls Six three story one bay specimens subjected to the cyclic horizontal load at the roof level The results showed that the increased strength of the system due to the increased thickness of the wall is negligible and when medium thick plates are used the failure mode is governed by column instability 3 Alavi and Nateghi in an experimental study carried out the investigation of three steel plate shear wall One of the specimens is unstiffened and the two others are diagonally stiffened which in one of them has a circular opening It is observed that the perforated shear wall with diagonal stiffeners has shear strength almost equal to the unstiffened wall with the solid panel 4 Sabouri and Sajjadi in a theoretical and experimental research tested two one story steel plate shear walls with and without stiffeners 

2 pages | 464 words