Essay Examples on Post University

Fear is an instinct and part of everyone's human's nature

Hope and fear are both very important to have and to experience throughout your life They play different roles and both can be very powerful in one's life In my life I value hope more than fear I acknowledge that fear is there but to me hope is more powerful and sustaining In English we have discussed these topics very extensively and our class has had some from very different views on which is more powerful I agree that fear is a motivator and can drive someone to do many things but there is also hope which is essential to having a positive outlook on life There is a balance in everything when fear controls your life you are restricted and confined and with hope overruling you are capable of hoping for impracticable goals Fear is an instinct and part of everyone's human's nature and hope is a form Hope can be controlled and is the ONLY thing stronger than fear if you are consciously trying to break down your fear and you allow hope to take over it's going to be so powerful and strong The greatest fear is the fear of the unknown In the book Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand that is based on a true story The main character was a man named Louie Zamperini who was with a crew on a search mission for a plane that went down in the ocean during World War II While they were searching for the other plane their left engine started to fail and their plane crashed into the ocean leaving his crew stranded with nothing but a raft They were rescued by the Japanese and were brought to the camp run by the Japanese Navy and The Bird Mutsuhiro Watanabe who was named

2 pages | 590 words