Rural Dev Generally it is implicit that the sustainability of rural communities is linked to their level of resilience specifically the ability of community members to develop and engage resources to adapt or maintain current productivity and function when exposed to external shocks Holladay Powell 2013 2016 Magis 2010 This ability builds up over time based on many underlying factors such as community s age distribution food supply livelihood population stability indigenous knowledge and communication capacity The rural communities normally have less resilience than the urban communities citation In Bangladesh 77 of the total population live in the rural areas Most of the forests in Bangladesh are geographically located in rural or remote areas For centuries many people have been living in and around these forests They live in community set up which are widely known as People of these communities are highly dependent on the neighboring forests for their livelihood They collect resources From These communities are considered as a part of the forests Nowadays managing forest with active participation of these communities widely known as community forestry have become popular in many countries In Bangladesh this practice was initiated in 1982 and since then it has been practicing in several forests