Essay Examples on Regis College

Manslaughter originates under the umbrella of Homicide

Manslaughter originates under the umbrella of homicide however Unlawful Act Manslaughter is divided into two sectors Involuntary and Voluntary manslaughter Murder is the more serious homicide compared to manslaughter which is seen as the lesser serious offence Murder is defined when the defendant has unlawfully killed the victim with direct intent or cause GBH Voluntary manslaughter arises when the defendant commits murder but has a special defence to back up their case such as loss of control diminished responsibility or suicide pact which does reduce the sentencing to manslaughter However involuntary manslaughter is coined when the defendant has committed an unlawful killing and the Actus Rea of manslaughter is present but does not have the Mens Rea of murder This can be committed in three ways which are unlawful act manslaughter gross negligence and guilty of reckless manslaughter In the scenario involuntary manslaughter is what the Keith and Ginger are potentially liable for The offence of UAM was defined in the case of Larkin 1944 as he was waving a razor blade around when he saw his girlfriend with another man however this resulted to the girlfriend falling onto the razor blade Courts therefore sentenced him to manslaughter as the act was performing was unlawful then if at the same time it is a dangerous act 

2 pages | 430 words

Esperanto’s creation

Esperanto’s creation Esperanto was created by Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof a Polish Jewish doctor inventor and writer L L Zamenhof was born on the 15th December 1859 in the Polish town of Bialystok which at that point was part of the Russian Empire Within the town there were four major ethnic groups Germans Russians Poles and Jews all of which spoke their own languages and had their own customs often leading to quarrels between people This conflict very much frustrated Zamenhof and he believed that the main reason for all the prejudice and hate was a lack of understanding between people due to the numerous languages that were spoken He believed that having one common language would prevent further conflict between all different ethnic and linguistic backgrounds Zamenhof first attempted to create an international language when he was in high school in Warsaw At this time he spoke Russian Yiddish and Polish had mastered German and had a very good understanding of Latin French and Hebrew He also had some basic knowledge of Greek English and Italian With knowledge of all these languages by 1978 he had almost completed his task of creating an international language However at the age of 18 19 Zamenhof was too young to publish his work and so upon graduating went to study medicine While working as a doctor Zamenhof continued to work on his Lingwe uniwersaia universal language project During his life Zamenhof tested and refined his new dialect by translating a large number of books which include the Old Testament Hamlet Hans Christian Andersen's fairy Tales and plays by Molière and Goethe One of his life time works includes his famous novel Fundamento de Esperanto Basics of Esperanto which was published in 1905

2 pages | 572 words